Fiber Cement Siding and the Wonders It Can Do for Your Home
Fiber cement siding is one of the best materials you can use for your exterior home renovation. But before we go into the whys, let’s first discuss the material itself.
We know that fiber cement siding is used to cover the exterior of buildings, but what is it actually made of? Fiber cement is a building material that combines Portland cement, ground sand, cellulose fibers and additives with water. All of this comes together and is formed into the siding we all know and love.
The Benefits of Using Fiber Cement Siding on Your Home
So why is fiber cement siding so perfect for exterior renovations? The secret is in how it can mimic how wood looks so well that people even use it in historic districts. Fiber cement siding requires less maintenance than wood. In addition, you can also choose from options that look like shingles, brick, cement or stone. And the best news is that it’s cheaper than any of these!
It can come pre-primed, pre-painted or pre-stained, but you can also do any of this after post-installation. This option may also come in the form of raw siding in shingles, blocks, panels and lap siding You can choose from smooth or textured siding, depending on your preferences or the look you want to achieve.
Durable, Long-Lasting Fiber Cement
Though it’s heavier than wood and requires more than one person to install it, the method of siding installation is essentially the same. Take note that fiber cement has none of the knots and inconsistencies that wood does. It’s also far more heavy-duty and is able to hold paint better, which helps reduce the cost of maintenance.
The average timespan of the maintenance regimen for fiber cement siding that’s painted-on-site is around five to seven years. When it comes to finishes applied in the factory, however, this timespan expands to 15-20 years. Depending on the specific product, fiber cement siding has a lifespan somewhere between 50 and 100 years. In addition to being very low maintenance, this siding resists damage from impact, insects and moisture, as well as fading, cracking, shrinking and warping.
Adaptable to Any Climate
Fiber cement siding works exceptionally well in all manner of climates. In hot and humid climates, it’s energy efficient and provides lower thermal mass and high ventilation. Some insurance companies even offer discounts for using this siding in fire-prone areas due to its non-combustibility.
In cold climates, fiber cement siding doesn’t become brittle in cold weather, withstanding cracking due to freeze-thaw cycles and below-zero temperatures. It’s also capable of withstanding winds up to 130 mph.
In coastal areas, the salty air, high humidity, and bright sun have no effect on it, and none of the components of its makeup nourish fungi.
If you’re planning on a siding replacement, this is it. If you need siding installed on any single-family home in the area of Western Washington, you can contact Eagle Creek Siding. We’re here to provide the professional solutions you need without the hassle. Call us at (360) 570-0396 or fill out our online contact form to request a free quote!