Should You Replace Your Siding in the Spring?


With winter almost over, homeowners are likely planning the exterior renovations that they want to do this spring. The clear weather of this season provides many people with the opportunity to shake off the chill of winter and finally address the problems the cold weather may have uncovered. The bad news is, this makes spring peak season for much-needed repairs and renovations.

Despite the increased demand, it’s still a good idea to schedule siding services with a professional in the spring. Let our remodeling experts at Eagle Creek Siding, LLC, show you why.

Clear Skies

Almost any type of exterior construction work is best done when the weather’s cooperative, and siding installation, repairs and maintenance are no exception. In fact, some materials contractors use can only be applied when the weather is dry. Adhesives and seals often fail if the environment is too humid or moist, so you want to make sure the forecast is clear on your scheduled date.

Energy Efficiency All Year ‘Round

Old siding can be one of the biggest factors that affect your energy efficiency. Over time, siding boards gradually lose their thermal insulation properties, which leads to heat loss and, ultimately, higher energy consumption. Replacing your siding in the spring gives you a fresh new way to start the year efficiently.

Spring Hazards

Many homeowners believe most home problems come from any other season aside from spring. The truth is that this new season has its own set of challenges which could lead to a premature siding replacement. Addressing these problems before they become worse is a good way to protect your home and your family from common springtime issues.

You can count on our professionals at Eagle Creek Siding, LLC, to help you keep your siding in good shape any season of the year. Give us a call at (360) 570-0396 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment and request a free estimate on siding replacements today.

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